The answer according to most of the makers websites is around 6-12mths. However, the thing is, after even a month or so wraps can sometimes start to look a bit ratty. They can develop creases where they have been folded too often, or for too long and in some cases the wax can start to lift, or to peel off.

Once they start to look a little aged we recommend freshening your Beeswax Wrap approx once a month if you use them regularly. You can re-wax them once this refreshing no longer seems to be effective.


CARE - After use, wash your Beeswax Wrap with natural dishwashing liquid in cool water only, and then let it hang to dry. Warm and hot water will melt the wax and ruin your wraps.

STORE - Beeswax wraps can be stored folded in a drawer or in a basket on your bench. If at all possible they will crease less if they are stored flat in a shallow drawer, or rolled up. Keep out of sunlight and away from sources of heat.

REFRESH - Every 1-3 months once the well used wraps are looking a little creased and tired you can re-set and refresh your Beeswax Wrap. To do this put it on some baking paper on a baking tray in an oven that is as low as possible (around 50-75 degrees will do it) for about 2-3 minutes. Beeswax melts at around 62°C, but it begins to soften before getting to that temperature. This process will warm and slightly melt the wax coating allowing all the cracks to fill back up and the coating over the cotton to smooth back out ready for use again. It will also take care of any small sections where the wax may have peeled off. You should be able to see the wax slowly melt and spread out, soaking back into the cotton and once this is done remove the wrap hang it up and allow it to cool and set again. It takes about a minute to dry so if you have no where to hang it, just gently wave through the air to dry.

NOTE: It is important not to get distracted and leave them in the oven for too long otherwise you will end up with a puddle of wax!

RE-WAX - If refreshing your wraps doesn't seem to be working any more, you can re-wax them. Either by sprinkling a minimal amount of grated beeswax over any sections of the wrap that are feeling worn and heating in the oven as above, or creating a mixture of beeswax and oils to completely re cover the cotton. If you need any ideas on ratios of ingredients to use to completely re make the wraps you will find plenty of ideas on google.